This Blessed House Podcast

Sometimes life’s circumstances make it hard to see the blessings and be a blessing to others. Regan has over 20 years of experience helping people gain clarity in their vision and take steps toward the life God created them for. She is passionate about helping you gain new perspective on your calling, relationships, mistakes and difficult seasons so you can have more joy and purpose. She shares lessons she’s learned (so far!) from life, business, countless mentors, her addiction to reading and her love for God’s Word. New episode every Wednesday. Follow on Instagram @thisblessedhouse13 We’ll talk about purpose, vision, God, Spirit, mindset, faith, goals, meaning, religion, relationships, life strategies and so much more!

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Activating Your Vision

Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

Welcome to Episode 5 of "This Blessed House" where we explore the theme, "Living in Your Vision," as part of our ongoing exploration of understanding God and His endless blessings.
Delve into scriptures like Psalms 32 and Hebrews 11 which emphasize the importance of faith in our life journeys and how activating this faith can bring about miracles and blessings beyond measure. Discover the importance and power of not just having faith but living it, and aligning actions with this faith.
Drawing on wisdom from Andy Stanley's book Visioneering, be inspired by the life of Nehemiah, a remarkable emblem of faith, selflessness, diligence and clear vision. Learn from his experiences to appreciate the rewards that come from prayer, planning, and perfect timing.
Experience personal reflections, encouraging stories and faith-filled wisdom that goes into every moment of our lives. Realize that every season is crucial in the growth cycle of a fruit tree - a wonderful metaphor for life's different stages. Just like a fruit tree, you might be in a season of growth or on the brink of bearing fruit as you walk in faith and embody God's divine purpose.
This episode also tells the inspiring journey of a believer who waited patiently for the right moment to activate his vision. His experiences can serve as an encouragement to those seeking guidance while realizing their vision and purpose amidst fear and obstacles.
As the discussion wraps up, be ready to answer seven insightful questions designed to help actualize your vision. Whether your vision revolves around relationships, health, or life goals, this episode aims to inspire you with clarity, hope, and the courage to step into your divine calling.

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

Join us in the uplifting episode of "This Blessed House" as Regan House brings to light the importance of gratitude, love, and spiritual support in life. This profound discussion surges from the series "Living in Your Vision," instigating a discourse on self-discovery through personal strengths and God’s divine calling.This episode encourages listeners to hold onto faith, regardless of life's upheavals, and acknowledges the beauty of inherent uniqueness. Drawing inspiration from Biblical icons, Regan inspires us to align our individuality with our spiritual purpose and walk Christ's path.Dive into the enigmatic concept of the DISC personality framework and comprehend your own personality, as well as those around you. Regan meshes her professional experiences into the conversation, highlighting the advantages of uncovering and applying innate strengths.Delving into the StrengthsFinder assessment, listeners are urged to explore their strengths as decisive tools in crafting a fulfilling life. In addition, listeners are given the opportunity to access a free printable ‘Purpose Map’, instrumental in self-analysis and understanding their divine purpose.Further explore the captivating realm of the Enneagram personality types to understand motivations, needs, triggers, gifts, and blind spots within yourself and others. The podcast concludes with an earnest message encouraging self-acceptance for a fulfilling life, centered on joy, impact, and gratitude.Navigate the broad concept of the Enneagram and its nine core personality types. However, an essential caveat is provided - The Enneagram is not merely a typology but a complex study involving both personal strengths and weaknesses. Breaking down these types promotes understanding, empathy, enhanced relationships, and individual growth.The episode wraps with a discussion on the five spiritual gifts - the Pastor, Teacher, Prophet, Evangelist, and Apostle - and their role in spreading God's love. Do not miss this enriching journey of spiritual self-discovery, personal development, and utilizing divine gifts to lead an abundant and joyous life.

Clarifying Your Vision. Part 1

Wednesday Mar 27, 2024

Wednesday Mar 27, 2024

Welcome to episode three of 'This Blessed House' with Regan House, contributing to the 'Living in Your Vision' series. In this enlightening episode, Regan delves into the differences between a goal, a vision, and identity, providing insightful guidance on clarifying a unique vision and understanding the role of our identity in setting goals.
Regan emphasizes the significance of living in our vision and not being confined by our circumstances. She provides a fresh perspective on success and failure, reminding listeners not to let these impact their identities or cloud their visions. Reinforcing the message that our greatest responsibility is not to achieve worldly success but to journey on earth with the Trinity and strive for a heavenly eternity, Regan invites reflection on our mission on earth.
Next, she enlightens listeners on the biblical view of righteousness, contrasting it with the concept of self-righteousness. Reflecting on Abraham's faith, she champions faith and humility as key to righteousness and reassures listeners that their past failures and present weaknesses shouldn’t hinder their vision. Regan also draws wisdom from Philippians 3, emphasizing the joy of an intimate, dependent relationship with God, and invites listeners to delve into this chapter as a guide to righteous living.
Using David's life as a model, the episode emphasizes the importance of a heartfelt connection with God. Exploring David's transformation from a shepherd to the King of Israel, Regan shows how adversity forged his leadership talents and shaped his unwavering, faithful relationship with God.
Finally, the episode encourages listeners to reflect on their unique journeys and recognize the divine help available to overcome life's tests. It reaffirms the notion that our identities and righteousness come not from human titles, but from God's immense love. Stay tuned for the next episode to learn practical ways to clarify your vision.

Discovering Your Vision

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024

Have you ever had a moment when somehow you just knew there was something you were created for?  A certain kind of person you were created to BE?  The kind of impact you were created to have in this world? 
I have come to understand that God shares His VISION for each of us in several ways. In this episode, we will look at 4 ways God shares His Vision with us.
Find me @thisblessedhouse13
Bible, Prayer, Gifts, Circumstances, Experiences, Mentors, Influence

Saying YES to Your Vision

Wednesday Mar 13, 2024

Wednesday Mar 13, 2024

Are you ready to say yes to God?  Are your ready to replace the “but God” questions, excuses and fear with the “BUT, God” statement of faith that HE can do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine?
Maybe you’ve been afraid to take the next step.
Maybe you’ve forgotten the vision He gave you earlier in life.
Maybe you just didn’t even realize it WAS a vision, a calling, a purpose when He gave it to you.
Maybe someone came along and stole your vision by placing fear or doubt or shame.
Maybe you’re just wondering if that vision was really FROM God in the 1st place.
I don’t know your calling in life… but God does. I can’t answer all your questions, remove your fear or overcome your circumstances… but God can.

Sneak Peak and Intro

Sunday Mar 10, 2024

Sunday Mar 10, 2024

Surprise! Here is a sneak peek of the podcast. Meet the host, Regan House< and learn a little bit about her as an entrepreneur, life / business coach, daughter, wife and “boy mom”.

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