This Blessed House Podcast

Sometimes life’s circumstances make it hard to see the blessings and be a blessing to others. Regan has over 20 years of experience helping people gain clarity in their vision and take steps toward the life God created them for. She is passionate about helping you gain new perspective on your calling, relationships, mistakes and difficult seasons so you can have more joy and purpose. She shares lessons she’s learned (so far!) from life, business, countless mentors, her addiction to reading and her love for God’s Word. New episode every Wednesday. Follow on Instagram @thisblessedhouse13 We’ll talk about purpose, vision, God, Spirit, mindset, faith, goals, meaning, religion, relationships, life strategies and so much more!

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Wednesday Jun 19, 2024

Welcome to This Blessed House with Regan House! In this episode, Regan takes us through a comprehensive recap of the "Living in Your Vision" series. As we reach the midpoint of June, she reflects on the journey of the past 14 episodes, summarizing key points and encouraging listeners to revisit and reflect on their own visions. Regan shares personal anecdotes, recent family events, and extends gratitude to her listeners, supporters, and God. She emphasizes the importance of gratitude, faith, and understanding one's identity and gifts as foundational to living a vision-driven life. The episode covers various topics from discovering and clarifying one's vision, to protecting it with faith, determination, and humility. Listeners are invited to take a break over the summer to reflect and seek God's guidance in their vision. Regan also hints at future episodes featuring guest stories and encourages listeners to share their own experiences. Don't miss the heartfelt poem "The Weaver" by Benjamin Malachi Franklin, which beautifully encapsulates the theme of seeing and being a blessing. Stay tuned for new episodes in the fall, and remember to follow This Blessed House on your favorite podcast platform for updates!

Wednesday Jun 12, 2024

Welcome to the final episode of the "Living in Your Vision" series on This Blessed House with Regan House. In this episode, Regan delves into the importance of leadership in protecting and nurturing your vision. Discover how personal responsibility, core values, and a commitment to culture and legacy can help you lead effectively, whether in your family, workplace, or community.
Explore the second half of the story of Nehemiah from the Bible, who led by example and restored a God-honoring culture in Jerusalem. Learn how to align your life with your vision and mission, create a culture that thrives beyond your presence, and leave a lasting legacy.
Join Regan as she shares practical insights and personal anecdotes on leadership, parenting, and the importance of allowing others to grow and lead. This episode is filled with encouragement and wisdom to help you live out your vision every day, with gratitude and faith.
Subscribe, share, and leave a five-star review to help others find this inspiring message. Let's journey together in discovering and living out God's blessings in our lives.

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024

Welcome to This Blessed House with Regan House. In this episode, we explore the characteristics God wants to develop in us to protect and fulfill our vision. As we allow God to be the CEO of our lives, we learn the importance of humility and patience, drawing inspiration from biblical examples like Jonah, Nehemiah, and Isaiah.
Join Regan as she delves into how taking up Jesus's yoke brings us peace, and how our vision is not just for ourselves but for the greater good and God's glory. We'll discuss the significance of spiritual gifts, the impact of humility on our faith journey, and the patience required to trust God's timing.

Wednesday May 29, 2024

Welcome to This Blessed House with Regan House.
In this episode, we delve into living the life of your vision, which requires intentionality, effort, and faith. God gives each of us a vision that serves as a North Star guiding our lives. It takes determination, perseverance, and endurance to walk in faith and build our character despite our circumstances.
We look at biblical examples of courage and sacrifice, emphasizing that God works through those willing to make sacrifices for the vision He has placed in their hearts. True success is found in faithfulness and the impact we have on others, not in worldly definitions of success.
We explore the importance of aligning our human nature with our heavenly nature, prioritizing our faith over worldly achievements. Whether it's letting go of idols or embracing a new heart posture, the journey is about holding everything with an open hand and offering it to the Lord.
Join us as we discuss making God the CEO of our lives, trusting His vision, and taking leaps of faith. Whether big or small, sacrifices lead to greater blessings and a deeper relationship with God. Be encouraged to lean into discomfort and allow God to guide your steps.
Next week, we'll talk about developing humility and patience to protect your vision. Thank you for listening, and please subscribe, share, and leave a five-star review to help others find this podcast. I hope today's message has blessed you.

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Protecting Your Vision
Discover the crucial role determination, perseverance and endurance plays in safeguarding our vision from stumbling blocks. Understand the significance of spiritual growth via adversity, with due emphasis on virtues including courage, humility, sacrifice, patience. The narrative transitions with a real-life account of the host's sons embarking on their sporting journey, highlighting not just their physical successes but also their character building.
Drawing parallels between the determination needed in sports and life, the episode underscores the value of perseverance to build ones endurance. It stresses that the hardships faced in life are what develop our character with endurance being a slow yet rewarding process demanding resilience and patience.
Witness the embodiment of spiritual endurance in this inspirational discourse, prompting listeners to reassess their own journeys with an introspective lens. Explore the scope of positive life shifts – ranging from physical well-being to financial management – all aimed at fostering your faith and growth.
Dive into deep conversations around life's hurdles, the significance of celebrating personal victories, and the pitfalls of comparison. The scriptural cross-references from both Old and New Testaments offer fresh perspectives on living one's vision, emphasizing heavenly goal orientation over regret and fear.
In conclusion, the host expresses heartfelt gratitude to her listeners, urging them to delve deeper into God's teachings on resilience, determination, and endurance. Welcome to vibrant discussions about fostering and protecting one's vision in the episodes to come in this enlightening podcast series.

Wednesday May 15, 2024

In this tenth episode of 'This Blessed House,' host Regan House takes a pause from her regular vision-focused topics to share an intimate exploration of her personal journey, showing how life's trials, tribulations, and discoveries have shaped the evolution of the podcast. As she considers her plans for the series, her struggles, doubts, victories and spiritual growth, she instils in listeners the value of remaining flexible and letting God guide the journey.
Through the candid sharing of her experiences, listeners will be inspired by her unwavering faith and optimism, as Regan navigates her life’s vivid landscape – from personal struggles to successes, balancing family and work life, handling obstacles to celebrating happy surprises. Accompany her as she candidly recounts the unexpected reactions to her vision, enriching the content, bolstering her resolve and fueling her passion for seeking God's word.
Towards the close of this episode, you will be encouraged to effectively manage your time, treasure your loved ones, transform difficulties into learning opportunities, and most importantly, continually seek God's word in your life. This episode also invites you to enjoy the journey, with all its messy and imperfect twists and turns. The emphasis is ultimately on living out our unique, God-given vision, showing grace to ourselves and others while navigating life's ups and downs.

Wednesday May 08, 2024

Welcome to the episode of "This Blessed House" with Regan House where we explore the unique journey of living out one's divine purpose or life's calling. Regan shares her personal experiences of navigating through challenges and providing clarity amidst uncertainty.
Regan uses her experience of overcoming the burden of her responsibilities through prayer and faith to assure listeners that it's okay if their vocation doesn't align with their divine calling. Drawing from profound biblical examples and contemporary stories, she underscores the importance of living our identity genuinely and unapologetically in every situation, thereby encouraging listeners to embrace their God-given gifts.
Inspired by the story of Billy Graham, a famous evangelist who found his calling in his teens, this episode illuminates the concept that impact doesn't always require widespread recognition. Conversely, God's plans for us can offer a very different path. Much like Jack Sparrow's compass in the Pirates of the Caribbean series, our life compass may not point in the direction the world expects, but it will guide us towards our divine purpose.
The episode further draws upon the importance of faith in navigating through life's challenges and obstacles, holding onto the moments of clarity provided by God, and acting on them in spite of of fear or doubt. Whether you're in a season of waiting or action, this enlightening episode offers reassurance in the knowledge that the Holy Spirit is your compass.
Join us in this episode to find clarity in your calling, and let the Holy Spirit guide you on your extraordinary journey of faith.

Wednesday May 01, 2024

Welcoming you for another thoughtful episode of "This Blessed House" podcast with Regan House. This episode, titled "Protecting Your Vision, Part 3 - Fear, Shame, Pride, Distractions and Circumstances," provides insights on how gratitude, resilience, and faith play crucial roles in enriching our life, even amidst challenges.
Throughout the conversation, Regan delves into the obstacles of fear and comparison, while highlighting the necessity of courage in breaking through our insecurities. She provides an enlightening discourse on what it genuinely means to live in your vision aligning with God's purpose. Using life examples, Regan shows that our personal journeys, though beset with difficulties, are the stepping stones that ultimately lead us towards God's vision.
She weaves human experiences and divine guidance, spinning a riveting narrative involving fear, comparison, courage, and the necessity of stepping out from our comfort zones to fulfill our divine calling. Encouraging listeners not to let fear dominate their decisions, but instead embrace it as a foundation to step into their purpose, Regan leaves you armed with knowledge and inspired to conquer your life's obstacles.
Gain valuable insights derived from the lives of Noah, Mary, Paul, and Jesus. Acknowledging the barriers they faced while pursuing their divine calling, their lives have timeless lessons to share about handling opposition, focusing on God’s guidance, and combatting personal struggles. Lastly, we immerse into Psalm 31, painting a vivid image of King David's relationship with God amidst his struggles and difficulties.
In conclusion, this episode encourages you to eagerly await the next episode, where we delve into those positive qualities and emotions that aid us in firmly living in our vision. This journey on "This Blessed House" podcast offers listeners profound wisdom, immense encouragement, and the courage to confront their personal challenges.

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

In the seventh episode of 'This Blessed House', Regan continues the 'Living in Your Vision' series, taking listeners on a spiritual journey of understanding the voice of God amidst the many voices we encounter in daily life. The episode sets a keen emphasis on distinguishing God's voice from our own thoughts and influences of others. With a unique focus on the power of positive thinking, it unveils how mindful reading and listening can aid in retraining our minds to evade negativity.
The podcast plunges into the depth of God's love and His earnest desire for a meaningful relationship with us, explicating the discernment of His divine voice - a voice we can always trust. The discourse deepens as it explores how God expresses His love, guidance, and blessings.
This episode explores concepts of holy love, reinforcing that God's guidance will always align with His nature and Word.
The episode proceeds to unravel the devil's main areas of temptation - physical, psychological, and emotional - drawing illustrations from biblical stories of Adam & Eve, the Israelites, and Jesus. It guides listeners on how to counterattack these temptations with the power of scripture and Jesus's teachings.
By painting a vivid picture of the enemy's deceitful tactics, the podcast’s primary goal is to help listeners understand and live their spiritual potential. It provides an insightful dive into biblical teachings and prepares listeners to brave the enemy's distractions armed with God's truth.
The podcast concludes with an encouraging assertion to build courage and resilience against the enemy's tactics. 'This Blessed House' invites you on a journey towards self-discovery and spiritual growth, armed with the wisdom of God's Word. Join us each week and embark on this faith-filled journey to see the blessing and be the blessing.

Wednesday Apr 17, 2024

In this episode of "Blessed House", our well-versed host, Regan House, leads us through Episode 6 of the "Living in Your Vision" series. Shedding light on the inevitability of obstacles arising in one's path to pursuing their vision, Regan discusses expecting these hurdles and proactively devising a plan to conquer them as a secret to success.
Packed with insights from the Bible and imparting the essence of overcoming the distinctive life challenges that every individual faces, Regan emphasizes that these obstructions are typical and shall be expected. She makes us cognizant of the presence of these obstacles and underlines the urgency of a solid combat plan.
A deep dive into a multitude of common obstacles that can potentially hinder your visions' realization, Regan strikes a chord discussing practical hurdles such as time and finances and the not-so-practical obstacles, including one's mental and emotional state. Providing an impetus for those striving to protect and achieve their vision, she reassures the listeners that they are not on this journey alone.
Inspiring listeners with details about ingrained beliefs and potentially self-limiting stories, we explore how our minds and thoughts can detrimentally shape our actions, behaviors, and ultimately our lives. Recognizing the importance of expressing emotions without associating it with weakness, we highlight that every individual's brain recalls a lifetime of lessons and reacts accordingly.
Responding to the self-imposed misconceptions that hinder your growth and challenge societal norms, we dismantle these myths. We investigate the lies our brains tell us and how to replace them with positivity. This episode is dedicated to those who have influenced our lives and have helped us shape ourselves.
Dive into this episode to not just realize how fear of failure impacts us, but to break through past pains and emerge stronger than ever before. Consider this a gateway to overcoming your limiting beliefs, replacing them with the truth, and reclaiming the life you've always envisaged.

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